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Antony Antoniou Uncensored

Antony Antoniou

I will have my say

They have no idea what the UK population is

They have no idea what the UK population is Uncertain Population Figures: The Migrant Conundrum in Britain The scale of illegal immigration in the United Kingdom has once again emerged as a pressing national concern, with recent revelations suggesting that as many as one in twelve residents of London might...

It seems we can't find what you're looking for.

The Economy

It seems we can't find what you're looking for.


It seems we can't find what you're looking for.

In my own words

The Paradox of Democracy and Individualism

The Paradox of Democracy and Individualism "What exactly is the paradox between democracy and individualism?...
Homelessness Addressing the Crisis

Homelessness Addressing the Crisis

Homelessness Addressing the Crisis Addressing Homelessness and Derelict Properties: A Call for Change in the...

Almost 1m people across Europe are homeless

Almost 1m people across Europe are homeless The Ongoing Crisis of Homelessness in Europe Across...

Who really caused the mass migration

Who really caused the mass migration The Roots of Today's Migration Crisis: A Deep Dive...


Coercive control – Spot the signs

Coercive control - Spot the signs There is a hidden beast within many relationships, the...

The Symptoms of Depression

Depression is a hidden ailment, it can creep up on you unnoticed, we often associate...

Online Dating Disaster – MGTOW

Now this is an interesting video, the phenomenon of Online dating has changed the game...

The Famous ‘Social Experiment’: 5 Monkeys and a Ladder

The Famous ‘Social Experiment’: 5 Monkeys and a Ladder Question: Can you think of a situation...