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Antony Antoniou Uncensored

Antony Antoniou

I will have my say

The facts about wind turbines

The facts about wind turbines I’m not sure if these statistics will make you laugh, or make you angry, but one thing is for certain, things are not what they seem. A two megawatt wind turbine takes two hundred tons of steel, which needs three hundred tons of Iron Ore,...

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The Economy

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In my own words

Why Britain Is No Longer a Rich Economy

Why Britain Is No Longer a Rich Economy

Why Britain Is No Longer a Rich Economy The Illusion of Wealth: Unpacking Britain's GDP...
Why Europe is failing in technology

Why Europe is failing in technology

Why Europe is failing in technology The Challenges Facing Europe in the Global Tech Race...

Leak warns of another COVID lockdown

Leak warns of another COVID lockdown Shocking Revelation: Canadian Politician Leaks Disturbing COVID Lockdown Plan...

Safety in relationships – Why Claire’s law can save lives

Safety in relationships - Why Claire's law can save lives Claire's Law: A Lifeline for...


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