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Antony Antoniou Uncensored

Antony Antoniou

I will have my say

Disillusionment with Mainstream Political Parties Reaches Breaking Point

Disillusionment with Mainstream Political Parties Reaches Breaking Point The current political landscape in the United Kingdom has reached a critical juncture, where voters have become increasingly disillusioned with the traditional political establishment. The Conservative Party's protracted period of governance, marked by a series of spectacular failures, has given way to...

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The Economy

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In my own words

Lifeboat Relationships

According to Urban Dictionary: Lifeboat Relationship Noun, A side relationship created before the end of a...

Emotional Incontinence It is without doubt, that we are in a climate of UNPRECEDENTED CULTURAL NARCISSISM,...

The END GAME: WHY the WEST is LOST Cultural Marxism may appear to represent some long lost ideology that fell with the...

John Wedger exposes UK cover-ups of child abuse Met officer John Wedger says he was warned he would be silenced and “thrown...


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