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The threat of radical Islam

The threat of radical Islam

The Audacious Demands of Radical Islam in the UK

A Shocking List of Demands

In the aftermath of the recent local elections, which saw the victory of numerous Muslim candidates across the nation, a group identifying itself as the “Muslim vote” has released a startling list of 18 demands. This radical Islamic group, with an ultimate agenda to establish a caliphate in the UK, has wasted no time in unveiling its audacious demands, barely days after its candidates assumed office as councilors.

Some of these candidates ran as independents, while others managed to secure positions under the banner of the Green Party – a concerning development, given the stark contrast between the party’s purported environmental focus and the religious extremism espoused by these individuals.


Dissecting the Demands

1. Apology for Alleged “Genocide”

The first demand calls for an apology from Sir Starmer, whom they seek to have elected into power, for “greenlighting a genocide” and failing to support a ceasefire in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict during October and November 2023. However, this claim of genocide is patently false, as evidenced by the growing Palestinian population. The Israeli operation has been meticulously planned to minimize civilian casualties, a far cry from the indiscriminate violence that would characterize a true genocide.

2. Sanctions on Israel

Demands two and three advocate for sanctions on companies operating in the “occupied territories” and on Israeli settlers. However, these demands are based on the flawed premise that the West Bank and Gaza are occupied territories. In reality, these areas fall within the legal borders of Israel, established under international law through the principle of uti possidetis juris, the same principle that led to the formation of Ukraine, the Baltic states, and other ex-Soviet nations.

3. Recognition of a “Palestinian State”

The fourth demand calls for the recognition of a “Palestinian state,” a notion that lacks historical and legal backing. There has never been a sovereign state called “Palestine,” and the flag commonly associated with this fictional entity is merely a repurposed Syrian flag with the star removed. Many who identify as “Palestinian” are not even native to the region but rather migrants from surrounding areas during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

4. Travel Ban on Israeli Politicians

The fifth demand seeks to impose a travel ban on Israeli politicians who “prosecuted this war and support illegal occupation.” However, Israel has an inherent right to defend itself against terrorist threats and to take necessary actions to secure its borders and protect its citizens.

5. End Military Ties with Israel

The sixth demand calls for an end to military ties with Israel, a demand that is unlikely to be met, given the strong strategic partnership between the two nations.

6. Allowing Muslim Prayer in Schools

The seventh demand seeks to issue guidance allowing Muslims to pray in schools, a divisive issue that has already faced legal challenges, such as the case involving a school in Wembley. This demand raises concerns about the potential erosion of the UK’s Christian heritage and the need for guests in the country to respect its established traditions.

7. Implement findings of people’s review of prevent – not shawcross

8. Focus on Islamist Terrorism

The eighth demand seeks to implement findings from a report by William Shawcross, which recommended that the Prevent program should focus more on Islamist rather than far-right terrorism. However, this demand appears to be a thinly veiled attempt to deflect attention from the very real threat of Islamic extremism.

9. Media Regulation

The ninth demand calls for the “full implementation of Royal Charter reference media regulation,” which could potentially lead to the gagging of critical voices speaking out against the encroachment of radical Islam in the UK.

10. Definition of “Islamophobia”

The tenth demand seeks to adopt the All-Party Parliamentary Group of British Muslims’ definition of “Islamophobia.” However, this term is inherently flawed, as it equates a rational fear of a demonstrably violent ideology with irrational phobias like arachnophobia or fear of disease. People have a natural aversion to threats, and the term “Islamophobia” is often misused to silence valid concerns.

11. Public Sector Equality Duty

The eleventh demand calls for a review of the public sector equality duty, which could lead to the prioritization of ethnicity over merit in hiring practices, further eroding the principles of fairness and equal opportunity.

12. Increased Funding for Deprived Areas

The twelfth demand advocates for increased council and public health funding for the 10% most deprived areas in the country. While addressing health inequalities is a noble goal, there are valid concerns about the underlying motivations behind this demand and the potential for misuse of funds.

13. Alternative Student Finance

The thirteenth demand calls for the provision of alternative student finance, with no interest and no repayments, effectively seeking free education for a specific demographic. This demand runs counter to the principles of fairness and equal treatment for all citizens.

14. Sharia-Compliant Pensions
The fourteenth demand seeks to ensure the availability of Sharia-compliant pensions at every workplace, a proposition that raises concerns about the encroachment of Islamic law into secular institutions and the potential erosion of British values.

15. Insurance Quotes

The fifteenth demand calls for insurance quotes to be equal, regardless of the policyholder’s name, effectively advocating for the removal of actuarial considerations in pricing premiums.

16. Investment in Islamic Funds

The sixteenth demand proposes committing 7% of public sector pensions to “ethical and Islamic funds,” raising concerns about the potential misuse of public funds for ideological purposes.

17. Removal of the “Spiritual Influence Offence”

The seventeenth demand seeks to remove the “archaic spiritual influence offence” from the statute books, effectively legalizing the practice of brainwashing and undue spiritual influence, which has been a crime since the days of heresy laws and the burning of individuals at the stake for their beliefs.

18. The Final Demand

The final demand, as stated in the Muslim vote’s tweet, asserts that “there’s more but that do for starters,” accompanied by the ominous declaration that “our asks are sophisticated, and we’ve built consensus around them. Your sorrowful non-statements no longer cut it.”

A Worrying Trend

The audacity of these demands is a stark reminder of the insidious agenda of radical Islam in the UK. While the Muslim population currently stands at only 5-6% of the total, their brazen demands and unwillingness to integrate into British society pose a serious threat to the nation’s values, traditions, and way of life.

Historically, the UK has been a bastion of freedom, tolerance, and respect for individual liberties. However, the incremental erosion of these principles, often facilitated by misguided policies and a reluctance to confront the harsh realities of religious extremism, has emboldened these radical elements to make such outrageous demands.

It is crucial for the British people to recognize the gravity of the situation and to stand firm in the face of these attempts to undermine the very foundations of their society. Complacency and inaction will only serve to embolden these forces further, ultimately leading to the subjugation of the nation’s cherished values and way of life.

The Path Forward

To preserve the UK’s heritage and ensure a future of freedom, equality, and prosperity for all its citizens, decisive action must be taken. This involves:

1. Rejecting the demands of radical Islamic groups outright and reaffirming the nation’s commitment to its Christian roots and secular governance.
2. Implementing robust measures to counter the spread of extremist ideologies and the indoctrination of vulnerable individuals.
3. Strengthening the legal framework to protect free speech and prevent the stifling of legitimate criticism and dissent.
4. Fostering a renewed sense of national pride and unity, transcending divisive identity politics and embracing the shared values that have made the UK a beacon of freedom and progress.
5. Encouraging open and honest dialogue about the challenges posed by religious extremism, without fear of reprisal or accusations of “phobia.”

The future of the UK hinges on the collective resolve of its citizens to defend their way of life against those who seek to undermine it. By staying vigilant, standing firm in their convictions, and rejecting the demands of radical elements, the British people can ensure that their nation remains a shining example of democracy, liberty, and respect for human rights.

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