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Antony Antoniou Uncensored

Rachael Reeves signalling leadership moves

The Labour party has had the most disastrous first 100 days in political history:

The Prime Minister standing up and insulting the electorate by labelling all those who are angry with his sinister Marxist agenda as Far Right.

Two tier policing and the arrogant abuse of the judicial system to bully those who had expressed opinions that he did not like into pleading guilty and ensuring that they receive harsher sentences, than convicted paedophiles.


Releasing violent criminals in order to make way for crimes of opinion and a sharp slide into multi-level morality, where offences against the state rank higher than offences against other people, even those that were violent or sexual.

A total collapse within the workings of government, as Two Tier Keir tries to impose complete control over those who are paid to be impartial.

Then there is their disgraceful attack on independent schools, with the removal of VAT exemption, which they claim will raise £1.7bn, but with the mass exodus of pupils, as parents struggle to afford the increased fees, the closure of schools, the loss of jobs, plus the significant increase in costs as these pupils enter state schools, the reality is that this endeavour of resentment will actually be a net loss.

That’s before we move onto their catastrophic management of the economy, they have repeated until they are blue in the face that there was a massive black hole in the economy, that they were not aware of, lies, lies and more lies.

That’s before we move on the deranged liar himself, the man who bored us with dozens of so-called letters from people who were devastated because Boris had a slice of cake, or because someone paid for some wallpaper in the flat at number 10 which actually belongs to the state, yet here we are, a few weeks in to the disaster that is Labour in power and it comes to light that Mr. Whiter than White has been receiving free gifts from Lord Alli, clothes to the tune of £36,000, personally I would not be comfortable accepting gifts of clothes from another man, but there again, perhaps Free Gear Keir was prepared to pay for them in kind………somehow!

Add to this the revelation that the video this liar made during the second lockdown, was actually filmed in Lord Alli’s flat, which was disguised to look like Free Gear Keir’s home and we haven’t even started yet…..

Then we have this ridiculous notion of Great British Energy, which will never happen, but if it were to happen, it would cost billions, the attack on Non-doms, who contributed £8.7bn last year, which will simply result in them not paying anything, the relinquishing of sovereignty of the Chagos islands without debate in parliament and we have only just scratched the surface.

Of the 20% of the electorate who actually voted for this idiot, many are now too ashamed to even admit to it, as his popularity plunges lower than the last mass murderer to hit the news, so it comes as not surprise that Rachel Reeves has been signalling a desire to oust Free Gear Keir from number 10, and we all know who morally qualified she is for the job, the very person who claimed thousands of pounds in expenses for energy, just before she cut the winter fuel allowance, I would say that makes her the perfect candidate for this loose collection of virtue signalling hypocrites.

Never in recent history, has an administration with such little support, wield so much power over so many.

The dilemma for this fallen party is now very similar to the Conservatives, who are they going to replace their current leader with, when they have such a poor selection to choose from?


1. Accusations of insulting the electorate and implementing a “Marxist agenda”
2. Claims of biased policing and judicial system abuse
3. Criticism of economic policies, including changes to independent school taxation
4. Allegations of hypocrisy and misconduct against the Prime Minister
5. Mention of controversial policies like Great British Energy and changes to non-dom status
6. Suggestion that Rachel Reeves may be positioning herself for leadership
7. Overall assertion that the Labour administration has little public support but wields significant power

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