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Antony Antoniou Uncensored

Now this is an interesting video, the phenomenon of Online dating has changed the game but is it for the better? We have now entered an age, that women feel they have the option to tick all the boxes, so they WANT to tick all the boxes.

 Therefore, we are… now in an age where women are NEVER happy with a normal man. The reality is that we have a situation known as the 80/20 syndrome, that is 80% of the women, chasing 20% of the men. The result is women in their prime turning away perfectly eligible young men in the hope of finding their dream male, who really only exists as an ideal, not real.
I have conducted many tests online, including the creation of female profiles of different ages and levels of beauty and I can confirm that the amount of interest a women receives online makes it almost impossible for the average guy to shine through, and the average woman to fall for the misconception that the world of men is her Oyster… IS NOT!
There is no doubt that the consequence of this situation has alienated men from the normal realms of interaction with women, and it is invariably the men who are the most down to earth and most suitable candidates to be a decent family man who are the first to give up.
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