I came up with the ‘One Minute Cypriot’ concept over 3 years ago, I was inspired by conversations that I had with Cypriots from different backgrounds who displayed a n unconditional love for Cyprus without the political, ethnic or religious divisions that has torn the island apart.
We have waited for nearly FIVE DECADES for the politicians to negotiate the peace, but ultimately they are more concerned with their own pre-requisites, than the will of their citizens. There is one thing that history has taught us, when people unite, politicians listen. I believe that the peace is in the hands of the citizens, NOT the politicians.
In this video, I am urging anyone who is a Cypriot citizen, national, resident or dependant of……to make a one minute video, to tell the world who they are, where they or their families are from, what they do and to express their unconditional support for a united Cyprus, irrespective divisions, whatever they may be.
The divisions of Cyprus were planted by those at the top, to work their way downwards, however I believe that the citizens of Cyprus can declare unconditional unity that will work it’s way to the top.
Please feel free to make your own ‘One Minute Cypriot’ video and send it to me so that I can add it to my channel and promote a worthy cause. This is a non-political cause, it does not matter who you are, what language you speak, what faith you practice (or not as the case may be) all I ask is that if you are Cypriot, (by birth, descent, marriage or applied citizenship) to declare your support for unity.