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Antony Antoniou Uncensored



The former Prime Minister accused his successor as party leader of suggesting that Conservative and Labour governments had been “all the same” over the past thirty years, as he declared: “Enough is enough.”

The intervention comes after Mr Corbyn told an education conference last week: “For decades we’ve been told that inequality doesn’t matter because the education system will allow talented and hard-working people to succeed whatever their background.”

Mr Blair – a frequent critic of Jeremy Corbyn’s record as Labour leader – reeled off a string of achievements by governments he led, saying that 1997 to 2010 had seen “the most dramatic improvements in our public services with the largest ever peacetime investment in them”.

He talked up the Government’s work to cut pensioner and child poverty, provide compensation for miners hit by breathing problems – and defended Labour’s changes to the tax and benefit system while in office.

“The poorest 10% of households gained by something like 13% in their incomes, whilst the richest 10% lost by almost 9%,” he said.

Mr Blair added: “We made the UK more equal, more fair and more socially mobile. And we never, ever said inequality didn’t matter or that tackling it was not a priority of the Government.

“And by the way, what we did at home, we also did abroad, trebling help to the poorest countries, mobilising the international community in support of action against global poverty and becoming the first major developed nation to hit the 0.7% of GDP aid target.

“Of course, like any government we had faults, failures and did things people disagreed with.

“But don’t tell me or those who worked with me or those who were part of the Labour Party at the time, that we did nothing for the poorest in our country or the world. We did and we’re proud of it.”




This is just another example of the psychopath that is Blair, interfering in the workings of government. He had obviously sold his soul to the Devil a long time ago and everything he did was about appeasing the political classes, appeasing Europe and doing his part of the Globalisation agenda.

He led this country in to a war that was based on lies, DAMNED LIES, he instigated the opening of the floodgates allowing an invasion of immigrants never seen before in history!

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