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Antony Antoniou Uncensored

Constitutional Reform – Leaving the ECHR

In order for any UK Government to lead effectively, it must be set free from the various institutions that have been signed up to by a string of globalist leaders, who have more allegiance to their globalist friends, rather than the British electorate who placed them into power.

Firstly, we must leave the ECHR, we cannot continue to be at the mercy of these arrogant ‘Pseudo-Judges’ who are not even properly trained, yet they have risen above their station, to the point where they actually believe that they have the right to dictate policy to member nations.


Whilst many European nations are signed up the ECHR, most ignore them, but the most common point that is raised by those who are determined to keep us under the thumb of this now outdated organisation will say that we will be joining Belarus and Russia, however there is another point of view:

There are hundreds of thousands of Kurdish people in the UK, for the main part, they were granted ‘Indefinite Leave to Remain’ because they claimed asylum from Turkey, and for the British Government to have granted them asylum, it clearly confirms that our Government officially acknowledges that Turkey does not respect human rights, yet it is a member of the ECHR.

Conversely, the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand ARE NOT members of the ECHR, I believe that I it can be said without contradiction, that there is absolutely no way that Turkey has a better record on human rights than these countries. The United Kingdom does not need the supervision of an arrogant and irrelevant overseas organisation to keep our human rights in check, we are as you all know the nation which introduced human rights to the world in the first place.

I would put it to you, that the ECHR, along with the other globalist institutions which I will also cover, are little more than tools of the elitist political classes, who are determined to erode the power of the nation state and increasingly shift control to their puppets, in their quest for a globalist society controlled by them.

We have criminals in the UK who openly express their plans to conspire against our country, in the full knowledge that they are able to use the ECHR to prevent the government from deporting them and in parallel, we have leaders who do not have the fortitude, the will or the moral compass to fight for the citizens of the very nation that they have been elected to represent.

No matter what the globalists, the woke brigade, the treacherous element of our society who seek to undermine our nation may say, we must leave the ECHR post haste.

We elect our leaders in good faith that they will act in the best interest of the United Kingdom, but sadly, their actions are more in keeping with TREASON than PATRIOTISM.


• The UK government should free itself from globalist institutions to lead effectively
• The UK must leave the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR)
• The ECHR judges are “arrogant” and “pseudo-judges”
• Many European nations ignore ECHR rulings
• Turkey’s ECHR membership contradicts its human rights record
• The US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are not ECHR members but have better human rights records than Turkey
• The UK is credited with introducing human rights to the world
• The ECHR and similar institutions are described as tools of globalist elites
• Criminals in the UK use ECHR to avoid deportation
• UK leaders are criticised for lacking the will to fight for citizens’ interests
• The evidence strongly advocates for leaving the ECHR
• Current leadership actions are more treasonous than patriotic




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