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Antony Antoniou Uncensored

The Cyprus Mail reported:

A CROWDFUNDING appeal to raise money to cover the legal fees of a 19- year-old British girl who claims she was forced by Cypriot police to withdraw a gang-rape complaint, has raised over £19,000 (€20,200), exceeding its £15,000 target, all within two days of being launched.

As of Saturday afternoon, the Help Teen Victim Get Justice in Cyprus crowdfunding appeal launched by the girl’s parents on GoFundMe raised over £19,223 from 378 people.

Among the donors, there was a significant number of Israeli citizens. Many of them said they believed the girl told the truth when she accused a group of 12 of their teenage compatriots of gang-raping her in a hotel room at the two-star Pambos Napa Rocks Hotel in Ayia Napa three weeks ago.


“To the British teen: I am Israeli and I am terrified by what my fellow citizens did to you and how you were treated consequently by Cypriot law enforcement. I want to say that I fully believe you and admire your courage not to remain silent. I really hope that eventually, you will get justice and your life will be recovered as quickly as possible,” wrote Michael Uritsky who donated £10.

“I believe you, and did from the beginning. Stand strong for justice on all counts. You are not alone. Many of us in Israel believe you and support you,” commented Shelley Bogen who also sent £10.

Earlier this week, the girl’s Cypriot lawyer, Andreas Pittadjis, resigned, citing serious disagreement with his client about how to handle the case.

The girl’s mother, currently in Cyprus, told the press that the family decided to accept legal assistance from the British legal group Justice Abroad, an organisation which, according to its website, “has been set up to help those trying to find their way through foreign justice systems with all the associated hurdles that present”. Together they plan to assemble an expert legal team from both the UK and Cyprus in order to challenge the many breaches of the teenager’s rights they claim took place since the case first started.

In the statement published on the crowdfunding page the family says: “In the early hours of Sunday the 28th of July 2019, following a week of traumatic events, our daughter was arrested for allegedly making a false allegation of rape in Cyprus and is currently being detained in prison awaiting trial. We maintain that the statement was given under duress and in breach of her rights, resulting in the collapse of the initial investigation and charges of public mischief being made against her. She is alone in a prison abroad after an awful series of events, we just want to bring her home.”

The 19-year-old was charged for making false claims after she withdrew her complaint that she had been gang-raped. She is due back in court on August 19.


This young lady deserves a fair trial it’s been sickening to see the ‘trial by proxy’ that has been happening within these posts.




For those of you still in the sexual dark ages, it does not make a difference, if you walk down the street in a thong and engage in sex with a dozen partners, CONSENT CAN BE WITHDRAWN AT ANY TIME! I sincerely hope that your daughters are never subjected to the Pig ignorance that I have seen here, if the they are ever unfortunate enough to suffer the same fate.

If the police had conducted themselves properly, they would have had a signed declaration from her refusing legal representation that would/should have been witnessed by an independent third party, they do not have that.

It is not just this young lady who is on trial, the boys who were released, guilty or not, have demonstrated that they have no respect for women by taking and releasing that video, an act that is a serious crime in the UK, therefore, for that alone, they are beyond contempt.

Then we have her so called solicitor who resigned, well, he has a chequered history to say the least. I can’t/won’t comment any further, but if you do some research, you can find out for yourself.

In the meantime, the accused were released and any possibility of a fair trial now gone, based on a gruelling EIGHT HOUR interview of a female tourist, without representation.

Whatever the facts are, the world’s media are making a meal out of this, quite rightly so, because this is not just about what did or did not happen, it is about the entire investigative process. This goes far and beyond Ayia Napa, or even Cyprus, it leaves a legacy of shame!

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