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Dame Alison Rose Faces Calls for No Severance Pay Amid Scandal: NatWest Under Scrutiny


A major banking scandal has rocked NatWest, and the fallout has led to demands from senior Conservative MPs that Dame Alison Rose, the former Chief Executive, should not be granted any severance pay. The controversy surrounds her admission of leaking private information about Nigel Farage to the BBC, resulting in her resignation. With the bank yet to confirm her status as a “good leaver” or disclose any exit package, questions are being raised about her future compensation. In this blog post, we delve into the unfolding events, political reactions, and the impact on NatWest’s reputation.

The Farage Row and Dame Alison’s Resignation:

The storm began when Dame Alison Rose acknowledged being the source behind a BBC report that disclosed the closure of Nigel Farage’s Coutts account, owned by NatWest. The bank cited his views as not aligning with their values, leading to the closure, but the revelation of confidential client information raised eyebrows and sparked intense public scrutiny.

Calls for No Severance Pay:

Senior Conservative MPs are adamant that Dame Alison Rose should not receive any severance pay in light of the circumstances surrounding her resignation. While acknowledging her entitlement to her pension, influential figures such as Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg and Sir Iain Duncan Smith assert that she must not be rewarded for her departure from the bank.

Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg criticised Dame Alison for focusing on “woke initiatives” rather than the core banking business, and he expressed surprise that the bank’s board didn’t act promptly on such a fundamental banking principle. Sir Iain Duncan Smith, while glad to see her leave, suggested that NatWest has every right to question whether she should receive a full severance package.

The Barclays Precedent:

Drawing attention to a similar case, when Jes Staley, the former CEO of Barclays, left the bank due to ties with Jeffrey Epstein, he received a substantial payout. However, Barclays promptly disclosed the details of his exit package, unlike NatWest’s handling of the current situation.

NatWest’s Reputation at Stake:

Critics argue that NatWest’s handling of the situation has been lax and that the bank’s reputation has suffered significantly as a result. Senior Tory backbencher David Jones urged the board to thoroughly reconsider whether Dame Alison deserved any compensation and also questioned the effectiveness of the board in challenging executive directors.

Calls for Accountability Extend to Coutts CEO:

Nigel Farage’s accusations against Peter Flavel, CEO of Coutts, have amplified the issue. Mr Farage claims that Flavel ignored his letters about the account closure, leading to calls for Flavel’s resignation. The controversy has further undermined confidence in the bank and its management.


– Scandal hits NatWest as former Chief Executive, Dame Alison Rose, admits leaking private information about Nigel Farage to the BBC.
– NatWest declines to confirm if Dame Alison will receive severance pay or be classified as a “good leaver.”
– Senior Conservative MPs demand Dame Alison should not receive severance pay due to the circumstances of her resignation.
– Last year, Dame Alison received a total pay packet of £5.25 million, sparking further controversy.
– Comparisons drawn with Barclays’ prompt disclosure of CEO Jes Staley’s exit pay in a similar case.
– Critics argue NatWest’s lax handling of the situation has damaged its reputation significantly.
– Calls for accountability extend to Coutts CEO, Peter Flavel, after Nigel Farage accuses him of ignoring letters about account closure.
– NatWest faces a crucial moment in rebuilding trust and addressing the controversy.

The scandal surrounding Dame Alison Rose’s departure has thrust NatWest into the spotlight, with politicians and the public demanding accountability and transparency. The absence of clarity regarding her severance pay has fuelled criticism, and the bank’s reputation has taken a significant hit. As the controversy unfolds, NatWest faces a crucial moment in deciding how to address the situation and regain the trust of its customers and stakeholders. The coming months will undoubtedly be critical in shaping the bank’s future direction and restoring confidence in its leadership.

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