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Antony Antoniou Uncensored

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Reform UK Northampton meeting with Ben Habib on Friday 31st May

On Friday the 31st May, I will be holding my first Reform UK public meeting, here in Kingsthorpe village, Northampton. This will be the first of many opportunities for myself and the other Northamptonshire candidates, including Ben Habib, to tell you about our exciting plans to save the UK.

Each one of us will be discussing different policies, which are close to our hearts. Unlike the terrible-twins, comprising of the Conservatives who have disillusioned the voting public and Labour, who are terrifying them with their lack of any policies, therefore we are best placed to offer a different option to the people of the UK.

Northampton has suffered from a decaying town centre, housing shortages in every area, first-time buyers, affordable housing, private rental and social housing, increasing crime and lack of investment across the board.

In recent weeks, we have seen an unprecedented exodus of Conservative MPs, which even surpasses the numbers we saw back in 1997. Even the local MP for Northampton North, Sir Michael Ellis is standing down after 14 years, despite having a large majority at the last election, this is nothing if not an indictment of the current administration, which has been a disappointment to the British people, by demonstrating their loyalty to globalism, corporations and those who have no right to interfere in our country.

We have unsustainable numbers arriving legally and illegally, costing the money large sums that it cannot afford to spend.

For years, I have campaigned for awareness of ‘Claire’s Law’ in order to reduce the number of women(mainly) who are victims of domestic abuse, by allowing them to request a police search for a history of violence, when they meet a new partner, however, as 8% of our population has arrived within the last 5 years, how on earth are the police able to determine if there is any history of violence, if they know nothing about so many people?

It is all well and good to ‘ride the political narrative’ but there are consequences and in recent years, we have seen that those consequences are all too often very sinister.

I and the other candidates will be happy to answer questions honestly, and your attendance would be greatly appreciated, after all, what matters most here is Democracy and for it to function, the participation of the public is required.

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