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Antony Antoniou Uncensored

The liar, the people and the super-injunction

There are rumours, and I must stress that at this time, this is all we have and there is no legal way to progress beyond the hearsay in the corridors of the high court, because the very nature of a super-injunction is such that it is illegal for those who fall under its directive to even reveal that the injunction exists, let alone the terms of the relevant injunction.


This is in fact a gagging order for the rich, because Joe Public cannot generally afford the cost which is believed to be upwards of £50,000.

There is of course the possibility that details may be leaked by an overseas media source, which then in turn puts everyday people at risk, because even if this information is available online, somewhere, should anyone in the UK knowingly, or unknowingly share this information, they could find themselves at the mercy of the courts.

We have seen that since the election, the country has been run by an arrogant maniac who is using his combination of experience as the Director of Public Prosecutions in addition to his position as Prime Minister, to legally bully the British public into self-censoring, thereby using the judicial system to create a dictatorship.

Whilst it is possible to apply for an ‘ex-parte’ injunction, which is granted in the absence of the respondent, on the grounds that the application is an emergency, however they do have 72 hours to contest this, but in the current climate, with our country and our judiciary being under the thumb of Two Tier Keir, it is less likely that they will retaliate with the vigour that they would have done in the past.

In recent weeks, we have seen violent criminals, released early, some of whom have been released in error, in order to make space for those who have expressed an opinion online to be incarcerated in their place.

Within three months of the election, our leadership has plunged to the gutter, with those who were publicly posturing about the virtue of the Labour party before the election, gradually taking a back seat, as the grim reality of the most subversive, immoral, divisive and threatening leadership since the 1930s, settles into the corridors of power.

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