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Antony Antoniou Uncensored

Wes Streeting has unintentionally revealed Labour’s plans to tax and spend

Wes Streeting has unintentionally revealed Labour’s plans to tax and spend

In a recent interview with Trevor Philips, the Shadow Health Secretary Wes Streeting inadvertently revealed that Labour has plans to spend that were not detailed in their manifesto, raising questions about where the money will come from.

The consequences of Labour’s ‘politics of envy’ are already being felt within independent schools, which are the first victims of Labour’s war on success, with over 100,000 children already being removed from independent schools this September and rising.

I have it on good authority from business associates who are in property throughout the mediterranean, that enquiries from British families about buying in places like Portugal, Spain and Cyprus in particular have increased by 250% since the election was called, with their first questions being about schools. Hard working people being chased out of the United Kingdom by the traditional Marxist policies of the Labour party, who wish to punish any form or success, unless it is on their terms.

This of course, is only to be expected from those who harbour a grudge against anything that does not restrict all, to the lowest common denominator!

“Socialists say ‘equality.’ What they actually mean is ‘levelling down’”


Rachel Reeves is on the record expressing her contempt for independent schools back in 2018:

“I would like to see more children educated at comprehensive schools and that means fewer children being educated at grammar and private schools. I feel this strongly [about this] as you can never have a true system of comprehensive education whilst you still have selection. I have always and will always oppose more selection in our education system I think it is a backwards step not a forward step.”

Before you cast your vote, ask yourselves no only which policies you agree with, but what type of philosophy and moral compass you feel comfortable with. Is a collection of people who harbour so much resentment for those who wish to succeed, that they are willing to go to extreme lengths to destroy anything that threatens their unsavoury personal agendas.

I am of the opinion, unpopular as it may be, that it is the responsibility of leaders in the UK to ensure that its citizens have the freedom to follow their aspirations and desire to succeed, yet we are now in great danger of an administration that is motivated by spite and resentment.

This is a party that will wage war with malice aforethought on those who can, who will and who do, aided and abetted by their team of resentful, toxic thugs, who can’t, who don’t or who won’t.

We are all fully aware of the damage that the mindset of punishing those who succeed, resulting in them simply uprooting and moving elsewhere. We live in a connected world, it is very easy for those who have been taxed to death to simply move to a country that is far more favourable, why pay 25% corporation tax in the UK when it is as low as 12.%5 in some other European states, or zero in Dubai?

If they really do believe that attacking independent schools and non-doms will raise anywhere near the figures that they are suggesting, then sadly they have must have been advised by a resident of Cuckoo land.

We do not have long left to save this country, and with that in mind, I would urge you to look through the political fog and see what our country is really in danger of being subjected too, before it is too late.

Here is a list of potential taxes that Labour have their eyes on

  • The new state pension being dragged into income tax for the first time in history.
  • Ending the 25 per cent tax-free lump sum.
  • Making tax relief on pension contributions less generous.
  • Extending National Insurance to employer pension contributions.
  • Increasing the number of council tax bands.
  • Undertaking an expensive council tax revaluation as Labour has already done in Wales.
  • Cutting council tax discounts, as Labour is currently doing in Wales.
  • Applying Capital Gains Tax to family homes by ending Private Residence Relief.
  • Increasing the rate and level of Stamp Duty.
  • New levies or charges on bills while accelerating the roll-out of renewables.
  • Increasing Capital Gains Tax.
  • Increasing Employers’ National Insurance (the ‘jobs tax’).
  • Ending the Enterprise Investment Scheme.
  • Cutting or ending the Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme.
  • Ending Venture Capital Trusts.
  • Ending Business Asset Disposal Relief.
  • Ending Agricultural Property Relief and Business Relief.
  • Maintaining the expanded Ulez zone in Outer London and expanding road pricing beyond London.






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