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Antony Antoniou Uncensored

Personal Policies Education


I am of the opinion that education as whole is in desperate need of reform. If there is one positive to come from the lockdown, it is that their is always another way. Parents struggle to juggle school days/weeks/years with work and time to spend together as a family and take holidays. When they do wish to do so, during the summer, they are forced to pay extortionate rates, yet they have no option. In recent years, the growth of home/online schooling has been tremendous, and whilst I do not believe that children learning at home in isolation is ideal, there must surely be a real alternative, of hybrid learning, that will lend itself to modern life, whilst not punishing parents or children.

When the national curriculum was introduced, it was to ensure that children throughout the country are learning the same subjects, to the same standard, over the same academic years, therefore, is it not time that this was also brought in to the digital age, with all lessons throughout primary and secondary education were available online, for free to all, and for that to paired with traditional learning to create  flexible year-round learning for children?

I am also of the opinion that too many school leavers are taking degrees that do little more than enslave them to a lifetime of debt, yet offer very little to them in the workplace. With the exception of vocational degrees, I strongly support workplace learning, along the lines of the QCF (Qualifications and Credit Framework) now called the RQF (Regulated Qualification Framework)

These are all issues that I would love to address and gather opinion from the people in Northampton North.

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