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Antony Antoniou Uncensored

How the media has twisted my twitter feed

How the media has twisted my twitter feed

Standing for Parliament is a daunting task at the best of times, whilst the public are concerned about what their candidate or party will do for them, the media seem to be preoccupied with how they can find something to smear candidates.

When I decided to stand, I was fully aware of this, but knowing that I had never done anything that would be of concern to voters, I had nothing to fear, but I was not prepared for the lengths that the media would go to, just for a story.


I had no intention of standing as an MP in the past, although I have always had an interest in every aspect of current affairs and history, both domestic and international.

In that regard, I have been posting on Twitter since 2010, my account has over 71,000 posts on it, but how did I manage to post so much? I used to share news constantly, just about anything that came up in the media, that was in the category of news, current affairs, etc. would end up on my website via an RSS feed and subsequently shared automatically to Twitter and Facebook.

As I began to spend more time on my business a few years ago, I had not time for posting news, as I was not earning from it, so I rebuilt my website and stopped posting en-mass, and began to post as normal.

Years later, I decided to stand as a candidate for Reform UK, I had kept my Twitter account, because I know I have never said anything to offend anyone, but I had not factored the determination of the media to find a story.

Out of 71,000+ posts, I understand that there were half a dozen that they picked up on, a post about Bill Gates, the Rothschilds, George Soros, David Icke and Hitler. They accept that I never commented or indicated an opinion or support for these in any way, but presented in the way that they have, the could be damaging.

Having said that, they did not bother to look at other posts that report stories that are anti-Semitic. Indeed, on this website alone, I have written several articles supporting Israel, explaining the creation of the state and why it is a legal sovereign state, but the media seemed to have had no interest in this whatsoever.

I can’t take credit for these posts below, as they were posted automatically, but they do confirm that news was being posted unbiased and randomly. As I have said to those in the media who I have spoken to, if mainstream media report on a historical event that is horrid, does that mean that they support it?

Historical events that are evil must not be forgotten, people who continue to incite hate must be called out, but there again, that was my personal logic and all elements of logic and decency seem to be abandoned when the media is out to tarnish a candidate, especially a candidate standing for Reform UK.

None of the journalists I have spoken to took any notice of the content on this website, or even referenced to it.


The Bio in my Twitter clearly stated, “Tweets DO NOT reflect my opinion in any way”

However, it seems that sadly our media are more concerned about scoring points, rather than conducting some research and establishing my character, they have not even taken the time to look through this website, where the articles I have written speak for themselves and I stand by them.

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