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Free Speech Organisation Ejected from Brighton Public House

Group ordered to leave following Remarks on Trans Ideology Education for Children

The Southern Belle, a prominent establishment in Brighton, reportedly ordered the departure of 50 members belonging to Free Speech Brighton, as alleged by the organisation

A collective dedicated to the preservation of free expression has asserted that they were unceremoniously removed from a public house after voicing the opinion that youngsters ought not to be instructed in trans ideology within educational settings.


Approximately half a hundred members of Free Speech Brighton were purportedly commanded to vacate the premises of The Southern Belle, a well-regarded hotel and public house situated in the heart of the seaside city, amidst an evening of impassioned orations on Tuesday last, as claimed by the organisation in question.

It is said that the proprietor of the establishment took umbrage at one of the speeches delivered, which touched upon the contentious subject of imparting gender ideology within the hallowed halls of academia. Consequently, it is alleged that the landlord instructed the security personnel to expel the entire assemblage forthwith.

When approached for comment on the incident, the public house steadfastly declined to offer any elucidation. Similarly, Pagoda Security, the firm responsible for maintaining order on the premises, remained conspicuously silent when contacted by the esteemed journalists of The Telegraph.

Free Speech Brighton, a subsidiary organisation of the more widely recognised Free Speech Union, had taken the prudent step of reserving a private function room within the public house for their gathering. The group had come prepared with the necessary accoutrements for public discourse, including a microphone and loudspeaker, to facilitate the delivery of speeches by their esteemed members.

For the edification of our readers, it behoves us to note that the Free Speech Union, an organisation that came into being in the year 2020, tirelessly campaigns for the inalienable right to freedom of expression. Moreover, this noble institution extends its support to individuals who find themselves in the unenviable position of having to defend their rights before the courts of law.

The inaugural address of the evening was delivered by a retired educator, who proffered the opinion that “gender ideology” – a belief system predicated on the notion that gender exists beyond the binary and may diverge from one’s assigned sex at birth – ought not to be disseminated to pupils of tender years within the confines of educational establishments.

Sources close to the matter have intimated to The Telegraph that the lady in question, a quinquagenarian of some repute, held forth for a quarter of an hour. During her discourse, she passionately argued that parents should adopt a more inquisitive stance regarding the nature of sexual education imparted to their offspring. Furthermore, she advocated for parental access to the educational materials employed in such lessons.

As the speaker was in the midst of fielding enquiries from her attentive audience, it is alleged that a quintet of security guards made an abrupt ingress into the room, demanding that the assembled company take their leave forthwith.

“We Were Peremptorily Ordered to Depart”

Laura King, the esteemed chairperson of the group, took to the social media platform Facebook to recount the distressing events of the evening. She wrote, “We were startled by the sudden influx of security personnel into our private function room, peremptorily ordering us to depart the premises post-haste.”

She continued, “I attempted to reason with them, explaining that we had only just concluded listening to that particular speech and that there were two additional orations scheduled on entirely disparate subjects. However, they remained intransigent, insisting that the landlord had decreed our immediate expulsion.”

“One of the security guards went so far as to attempt to forcibly remove the loudspeaker from the room, heedless of the fact that it remained connected to the mains electricity supply,” Ms King added, painting a vivid picture of the chaotic scene.

Visual evidence of the altercation, which has since been widely disseminated across various social media platforms, appears to depict a member of the security detail attempting to forcibly remove the microphone and loudspeaker from the premises. This action was met with vociferous objections from the assembled members of the free speech group.

In the recorded footage, the security guard can be heard asserting that any individual who refuses to comply with the order to vacate the premises would be considered to be “trespassing” on private property.

Ms King further elucidated that the group “stood our ground for a brief period” and insisted upon finishing their libations before reluctantly taking their leave of the establishment.

The incident has provoked a maelstrom of outrage across various social media platforms, with many decrying what they perceive as an egregious assault on the fundamental right to free expression. In response to this perceived slight, the Free Speech Union has issued a stern ultimatum to the public house, threatening legal action unless the proprietor issues a formal apology and permits the group to reschedule their meeting at the earliest convenience.

“Their Beliefs Are Entirely Lawful”

Toby Young, the director of the Free Speech Union, offered his perspective on the matter, stating, “From a legal standpoint, the landlord’s position is utterly untenable.”

He continued, “It is not within his rights to evict patrons solely on the grounds that he disapproves of their entirely lawful beliefs, particularly when said beliefs enjoy protection under the auspices of the Equality Act.”

Mr Young drew a striking parallel to underscore the gravity of the situation, asserting, “In the eyes of the law, this incident is tantamount to expelling an individual on the basis of their race or sexual orientation. It constitutes unlawful discrimination, plain and simple.”

He went on to elucidate the organisation’s track record in similar cases, stating, “We have championed the cause of our members in several analogous situations. In those instances where the cases have reached their conclusion, we have invariably witnessed the public house in question capitulating and offering a formal apology.”

It is worth noting that prior to the recent general election, the previous Conservative administration had published guidelines stipulating that educational institutions must refrain from teaching contested gender ideology. However, the current Government has yet to delineate its official stance on this contentious issue.

In a recent interview with the BBC conducted in June, Bridget Phillipson, the newly appointed Secretary of State for Education, declined to categorically rule out the possibility of rescinding the aforementioned ban. This ambiguity has only served to further fuel the ongoing debate surrounding the teaching of gender ideology in British schools.

As this story continues to unfold, it serves as a poignant reminder of the delicate balance between freedom of expression and the evolving societal norms surrounding gender identity. The incident at The Southern Belle in Brighton has undoubtedly reignited the national conversation on these complex and nuanced issues, leaving many to ponder the future direction of education policy and the boundaries of free speech in contemporary British society.

This is yet another example of engineered polarisation of society

People have always conjectured, played detective or drawn their own conclusions based on their personal feelings, and those in control have always sought to control the narrative, but we are now in an age where the ability of those in power to manipulate the masses has never been more sinister than it is today.

We have reached an age, where large numbers of people are acting with hostility, in support of the most immoral, destructive and illogical agendas, executed by an infernal minority who are engineering the destruction of society from the shadows.

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