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Antony Antoniou Uncensored

The facts about wind turbines

I’m not sure if these statistics will make you laugh, or make you angry, but one thing is for certain, things are not what they seem.

A two megawatt wind turbine takes two hundred tons of steel, which needs three hundred tons of Iron Ore, one hundred and seventy tons of coking coal and it has to be mined and transported by hydrocarbon energy, which means that they can turn until the Cows come home, without replacing the energy used to manufacture them.


Despite the misinformation, I’m sure that many of you may already be aware of this, so what is going on here?

We’re told that they will power hundreds of thousands of homes, in towns around the UK, all supplied by these amazing wind turbines, which all sounds well and good, apart from one thing, they only work when the wind blows and just like our trains are vulnerable to the wrong type of snow, wind turbines are also at the mercy of the wind, if it is too fast, they need to be switched off and if it doesn’t blow, they won’t work, in fact, if the wind does not blow for any length of time, they need to be made to turn to prevent them seizing up, using…….electricity! Yes, you couldn’t make this nonsense up!

If you have seen the embarrassing video made by Ed Milliband brandishing a Ukulele, the answer IS NOT blowing in the wind.

In fact, if we were to be given the true facts, we will see that they actually do not produce much energy at all, they cost billions and they are making certain people very rich at your expense.

In reality, the only beneficiaries of these monstrosities that are a blight on the landscape are the manufacturers, the owners, and the landowners who receive a sizable rent for them sitting on their land, a sum which is greater than using the land for what it should be used for, which is growing food for the people.

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