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Why ULEZ must be stopped at all costs

Why ULEZ must be stopped at all costs

The Expansion of EULEZ: A Concern for Democracy and Clean Air


Good afternoon, everyone! I want to take a moment to address a pressing matter that has been on my mind. Yesterday marked a significant development—the expansion of the controversial EULEZ (Ultra Low Emission Zone) to encompass even the M25 region. As we all know, EULEZ has been a subject of intense debate, sparking discussions about its motives, consequences, and implications for our society. In this post, I will share my thoughts on this expansion, exploring both the underlying issues and potential solutions.

A Controversial Move

The recent expansion of EULEZ has raised numerous concerns and ignited passionate debates. While it’s clear that air quality and sustainability are crucial, the way EULEZ has been implemented and structured leaves room for scepticism. The concept of a low emission zone sounds promising, but the reality appears to be far more complex.

The Need for Comprehensive Change

One of the most significant criticisms of EULEZ lies in its structure. If this initiative genuinely aimed to create cleaner air and a healthier environment, its framework would likely be different. Instead, it seems to disproportionately affect the economically disadvantaged, while those with financial means can continue to pollute without restraint. Even vehicles touted as “compliant” often emit pollutants well beyond what older, non-compliant vehicles produce.

A Different Approach

If the goal were to genuinely improve air quality and encourage cleaner transportation, an alternative structure might be more effective. For instance, banning vehicles emitting more than a certain threshold of emissions, like 300 grams, would be a logical step. Gradually reducing emission limits over a period of time could ensure a smoother transition, allowing both individuals and manufacturers to adapt.

Beyond Clean Air: An Agenda of Control

It’s hard to ignore the suspicion that this initiative is about more than just clean air. The expansion of EULEZ and similar developments raise concerns about control and the potential erosion of personal freedoms. As we move forward, we need to consider the larger picture—how these changes fit into a broader trend toward increased control and surveillance.

Uniting Beyond Partisan Lines

One of the most concerning aspects of these developments is their ability to divide us along political lines. Our society has become increasingly polarized, with every issue seen through the lens of party affiliation. It’s vital that we rise above this divide and focus on the core issues at hand. This isn’t a matter of left or right; it’s about our collective future.

Taking Action for Democracy

Although I’m not based in London, I am strongly against the expansion of EULEZ and similar initiatives across the country. To truly address this issue, we must engage in the democratic process. In the upcoming elections, I intend to stand as an independent candidate. While the odds may be against me, I believe that by doing so, I can inspire others to do the same.

A Call for Unity

The power of independent voices is undeniable. It’s not about the particular political stance you hold, but about breaking the stranglehold of established parties and regaining genuine representation. Regardless of where you stand politically, it’s essential to support independent candidates who genuinely prioritize the interests of the people.

The Looming Threat of Euro 7

As we contemplate the current situation, it’s crucial to also look to the future. The introduction of Euro 7, set to be implemented in 2025, could have profound implications for vehicle compliance. The inclusion of hybrid and EV requirements, along with aspects such as battery recyclability, poses challenges that many are unaware of. It’s imperative that we educate ourselves about these changes and their potential consequences.

What is Euro 7?

Coming Soon: Euro 7 Emissions Standards for Cars

In the not-so-distant future, precisely in July 2025, an essential transformation will take place in the automotive world: the introduction of Euro 7 emissions standards. Euro 7 represents a comprehensive set of regulations that establish a strict upper limit on emissions produced by new cars and vehicles sold within Europe and the UK. These regulations hold a pivotal role, ensuring that newly manufactured cars align with stringent pollution benchmarks.

The Driving Force Behind Euro Emissions Standards

At the heart of the Euro emissions standards lies a crucial objective: to progressively curtail the air pollution stemming from vehicles. This pollution significantly contributes to compromised air quality and contributes to the adverse effects of global warming. These standards complement the UK government’s ambitious plan to halt the sale of new petrol and diesel vehicles by the year 2030, adding another layer of commitment to the battle against vehicular emissions.

The Unsettled Horizon of Euro 7

The specifics of Euro 7 emissions standards have not yet been definitively established. Automotive manufacturers and European legislators find themselves embroiled in debates concerning permissible emission levels and the methodology for implementing these standards. Though initial proposals have been unveiled, they have proven to be somewhat less rigorous than what the automobile industry initially anticipated. These propositions are currently awaiting the seal of approval from the European Parliament.

A Seamless Transition Post-Brexit

While the UK has departed from the European Union, it remains steadfast in its commitment to the established vehicle emissions framework, which had its origins in the Euro 1 standards of 1992 and progressed to Euro 6 in 2014. Consequently, new cars available for purchase in the UK will be expected to meet the Euro 7 compliance, with only a handful of exceptions.

A Personal Stake in Euro 7 Standards

For the average motorist, the Euro emissions regulations might appear to be of distant relevance. However, their implications are far-reaching, impacting the spectrum of new vehicles available in showrooms and potentially influencing operating costs. The European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA), the voice of car manufacturers in Europe, underscores that while automakers are resolute in their commitment to reducing vehicle emissions, overly stringent Euro 7 standards could amplify consumer costs due to the intricate measures required for emissions reduction.

The Economics at Play

There exists a significant disparity between manufacturers and lawmakers concerning the financial burden of achieving Euro 7 compliance. A report from 2023 by Frontier Economics estimated manufacturing costs at approximately £1,740 per car and £10,450 per truck or bus, while the European Commission proposed significantly lower estimates of £156 to £390 per car and £2,430 per truck or bus. Regardless of the actual figures, it’s reasonable to anticipate that some portion of these costs will be passed on to consumers. Furthermore, the ACEA predicts an average fuel economy reduction of 3.5%, resulting from the measures required to meet Euro 7, which include additional fuel consumption to warm the car’s catalytic converter during cold starts.

Euro 7 and Urban Emission Zones

Another pivotal reason for individuals to pay heed to Euro 7 emissions standards is their role in classifying cars for Ultra Low Emissions Zones (ULEZ) that are sprouting across the UK. It’s worth noting that, as of now, there are no imminent plans to link the introduction of Euro 7 standards with changes in regulations for London’s ULEZ or other emissions zones in the UK. However, understanding your car’s Euro emissions rating will empower you to determine whether you’re subject to fees for entering a ULEZ or not.

In summary, the impending Euro 7 emissions standards herald a new era of vehicular emissions accountability. While their immediate impact might not be apparent to every motorist, these standards hold the potential to reshape the automotive landscape, impacting both consumer choices and financial considerations. Moreover, Euro 7’s role in categorizing vehicles for ULEZ zones makes it a relevant point of consideration for urban commuters. As the automotive industry progresses toward cleaner and more sustainable practices, these standards represent a significant stride toward a greener future on our roads.

Conclusion: Time for Collective Action

In conclusion, the expansion of EULEZ is not just about cleaner air. It’s a reflection of broader shifts in our society—shifts towards control, division, and inequality. To counter these changes, we must unite as citizens, regardless of our political leanings, and advocate for transparent, fair, and democratic processes. The power to shape our future lies in our collective action. Let’s work together to ensure that our society remains one where the voices of all are heard, and our rights are preserved.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

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Steve Foreshaw
Steve Foreshaw
1 year ago

Well said Antony, you are absolutely right and you are an inspiration. I sincerely hope that you do inspire more people to stand independently, because that is the only way that we can restore democracy.
Good luck with your campaign.