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Antony Antoniou Uncensored

The Chancellor is using Fiscal Drag as a Stealth Tax

The Chancellor is using Fiscal Drag as a Stealth Tax
Fiscal Farce: Millions of Brits Dragged into Higher Tax Brackets
A Lacklustre Budget for the Common Folk

The recent budget announcement by Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has left many ordinary Britons feeling underwhelmed and concerned about their financial futures. While the reduction in National Insurance contributions may put some extra pennies in people’s pockets, experts argue that the real impact is overshadowed by the stealthy fiscal drag – a hidden tax that’s dragging millions into higher tax brackets.

We have just had the worst budget in decades

We have just had the worst budget in decades

We have just had the worst budget in decades

Ladies and Gentlemen, (and those who have yet to decide) we have just witnessed one of the worst budget in decades.

Taxes remain at a seventy year high, yet more people paying more due to ‘fiscal drag’ and a cynical reduction of 2p in National Insurance which does not even cover what they have taken over the last few years.

Britain suffers longest hit to living standards since records began

Britain suffers longest hit to living standards since records began
Britain endures longest decline in living standards since records began
UK enters technical recession but economists caution it obscures bleaker image

Britain is going through the longest period of falling or stagnating living standards since records started in 1955, according to official data showing the economy is in recession.

Government EV mandate now in force

The UK government has turned the dial up a notch on electric vehicles (EVs) through newly enacted rules requiring automakers to steadily increase their share of zero emissions cars sold. This acceleration towards phasing out petrol and diesel vehicles raises important questions around impacts on consumer choice, infrastructure readiness, and finding the right balance between environmental needs and market realities.