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Antony Antoniou Uncensored

Personal Policies Taxation


Taxation Who would have thought that a conservative government would raise taxes across the board, to their highest level for decades? Taking our corporation tax from 18% to 25% in the middle of a crisis, is probably one of the greatest errors in the history of Number 11. In the… Read More »Taxation

Personal Policies Net Zero

Net Zero

Net Zero Whilst we all wish to see our world become cleaner and cleaner, we must accept that any changes we make in this country have absolutely no impact or worldwide emissions as a whole, so why is this government intent on punishing hard working people, in an effort to… Read More »Net Zero

Personal Policies Education


Education I am of the opinion that education as whole is in desperate need of reform. If there is one positive to come from the lockdown, it is that their is always another way. Parents struggle to juggle school days/weeks/years with work and time to spend together as a family… Read More »Education