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Antony Antoniou Uncensored

Church of England says there is no official definition of a woman

Church of England says there is no official definition of a woman

The Church is or rather should be, the moral compass for society, this statement demonstrates that it has lost its way.



Ove the last few years, we have had the ‘Trans-movement’ thrust in our faces in every possible way. The hostile agenda behind this movement has been merciless with anyone who would dare to display any objection to this unnatural surgical procedure, that they demand, will give them the right to swap gender, it does not!

For those of us who do not have any confusion with our gender identity, it may be hard to understand how that would feel, but we have already seen people who have had surgery admit that they were wrong to have done so.

The real question is, why is the media determined to give so much publicity and support, to such a small minority?

In the order of things, those who do decide to take such drastic action are such a small minority that they should not really even factor in to issues that the politicians should waste their time with.

One thing is for certain, it may well be acceptable for people to identify as another gender, be it psychologically or physically, but I completely disagree with trans men, being able to officially become women, they are not women, they are ‘surgically modified men’ and always will be.

The notion that a trans man can compete with women is not only a non-starter, it is also setting an extremely dangerous precedent. What would happen if a trans man was able to compete with a woman in a contact sport like boxing? Men and women are equal, but different, nothing will change that and why should that change?

The recent swimming competition winner Lia Thomas was the greatest demonstration of disrespect to women in decades. It may be, that in recent decades, the world has been so wrapped up with rights rather than obligations, but with regard to women, I would say that the obsession with rights has overtaken the equally, or more important notion of respect for women.

If we do not address this, we face the real possibility of men being permitted to use women’s toilets, trans men being locked up with a woman in prison, the slippery slope that has absolutely no regard for that which is morally right.

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