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More farmland under threat in Northampton

More farmland under threat in Northampton

Proposed Housing Development Faces Backlash in Harpole Village

A plan to construct 450 new homes on farmland near the village of Harpole, just outside Northampton, has sparked widespread opposition from local residents. The development, proposed by Davidsons Developments Ltd, would be situated on greenfield sites off Nobottle Road.

West Northamptonshire Council has informed the applicant that an Environmental Impact Assessment is not required for the initial phase of 100 homes and a new roundabout. A council officer stated, “The local planning authority is of the opinion that the proposed development would be unlikely to have significant effects on the environment.”

However, the proposal has drawn criticism from villagers who are concerned about the potential impact on their community. Harpole Parish Council revealed that around 50 objections have been submitted by residents against the likely new development.

The council acknowledged the concerns surrounding the new roundabout at the top of Road Hill, which would serve as the entrance to the proposed estate. Residents fear that this access point could funnel traffic through the village, exacerbating existing issues caused by the closure of Sandy Lane since June, which has forced motorists to use Harpole as a shortcut to the A4500 and M1.

One resident expressed frustration, stating, “I understand new houses need to be built, but sensible planning could avoid the increase of traffic through Harpole. The village is entirely unsuitable to become a corridor for traffic. It seems unfair that large-scale planning can destroy the nature of a historical village.”

Another resident simply pleaded, “Please stop,” while a third lamented, “The beautiful countryside that Northamptonshire is famous for is being eroded by you. Soon all that will remain are large identical housing estates. That will be your legacy for future generations.”

The proposed development is one of several housing projects currently underway in the area, including Norwood Quarter, Western Gate, and Harlestone Park, which collectively will introduce thousands of new residents to the region.

While the Harpole Parish Council acknowledges the inevitability of the planning application and the need for public consultation, they also recognize the challenge of objecting without valid planning reasons, stating, “The council would need planning reasons to say they object and can’t just say we have enough building happening.”

As the debate continues, residents remain vigilant in voicing their concerns about the potential impact on their village and the surrounding countryside.

The 30.77 acre parcel of land located just off the A4500, directly opposite the village of Harpole, is now up for sale for £375k.

Of notable interest is a stipulation within the sale agreement, whereby the sellers of the land get to keep 25 per cent of any extra money made if the land is used for something other than farming for the next 50 years after the sale is finalised.

Why we must stop the loss of our farmland

We have lost thousands of acres of valuable farmland in recent years, with the process accelerated by productive farmland also being set aside for solar/wind farms. Our food production is now just 50%, which puts the entire nation at risk of starvation in the event of a conflict. There are brownfield sites with capacity for millions of homes throughout the country, yet developers seek out clean useable farmland, because the building process is easier for them, much quicker and results in higher profits, especially as the major developers landbank to control availability which impacts prices.

In an age where the plan is to reduce dependency on cars, why are we still obsessed with suburbia, when there are so many ways to redevelop inner cities, both for residents and businesses, without losing yet more important farmland.


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