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Antony Antoniou Uncensored

Reform UK to professionalise and democratise

The Reform UK conference 2024 is now underway, with speeches from the party favourites. Dr David Bull has been back to host the event, a regular on Talk TV, being a medical man, he has offered some wonderful insights into the NHS.


The membership has now broken through 80,000 and growing, and is now on course to overtake the Tories in the foreseeable future.

The structure of the party has been used by those who wish to denigrate Reform UK, but as Nigel explained, in the early days, implementing democracy could have been a serious threat to the party, because it could have been the target of organised hijacking by membership. I do feel that this is a very relevant fact that should have been reiterated before the election, in order to respond to the endless ludicrous attacks by the far left, that the party was a company and therefore a business, which it is not. Considering the fact that it was kept alive in its early days by private contributions and funding by Richard Tice.

As I have previously said, democratising the party was one of my greatest demands for the party, because the policies that Reform UK offer the British people are head and shoulders above the insulting pack of lies, we have been subjected to by the uniparty.

There is no doubt that the timing of the election was nothing to do with Rishi Sunak choosing the time that was most favourable for the Conservatives, but rather to ensure that Reform UK were caught unprepared, in order to lessen their success. This in itself, is a very sinister reality, because if we accept that Rishi must have been fully aware that he was facing a total collapse of his party at the election, his actions, his timing, his personal choice to go to the country earlier than necessary, was one of the greatest contributing factors to the surreal result.

He is directly responsible for the Labour party being in power with a huge majority, despite receiving a small share of the votes.

Now that the party is on the way to democratising, the situation is changing at a rapid pace. I have always believed that aside from the policies, this is the most significant step forward that the party can take. This will hopefully lead to prospective parliamentary candidates being voted in by the members in their relevant constituencies. This is crucial, because the members should not only have an active part in the party, but they must have a choice of candidate, they must have the opportunity to engage and the candidates must be accountable to the people, this is about implementing democracy from the bottom up.

We are all aware of the catastrophic shambles of a party which is now in control of our country, and the future is becoming increasingly bleak, and as it stands, the Conservatives ARE NOT the opposition, in fact, we need only take a fleeting glance at any meeting of parliament to see that there is no voice of opposition to the reckless trajectory of this toxic administration.

In fact, it is not unreasonable to suggest that the five Reform UK MPs raise more arguments against the government than all the Conservative MPs combined, indeed, I see no reason for them to remain as Conservative MPs, as they are almost indistinguishable from Labour.

This conference, the launch of Democracy, the ownership and control of the party by the people is the beginning of the great resistance, this is our political D-Day and there is only one way that this war of survival can be won, and that is by the people, for the people, with the support, engagement and cooperation of the people.

This may sound alarmist, but our nation is facing a greater threat today, than at any time in recent history, now this may shock you in light of the fact that we have survived two world wars in the last century, but in this regard, I will quote one of the greatest men in history.

“Nations that go down fighting rise again, but those who surrender tamely are finished”

Winston Churchill – 1940

I think that defines our current situation perfectly.


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