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Antony Antoniou Uncensored

The borders of Israel and the uti possidetis juris principle

The borders of Israel and the uti possidetis juris principle Does Israel Really “Occupy” the West Bank? Examining the History and Law The status of the West Bank, also known as Judea and Samaria, is one of the most contentious issues in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In debates on this topic,… Read More »The borders of Israel and the uti possidetis juris principle

Humza Yousaf Racist Rant about white people in Scotland

Humza Yousaf Racist Rant about white people in Scotland The first minister for Scotland launched what was little more than an attack on white people in the Scottish parliament, complaining that all the key positions are held by white people. Scotland is 96% white, people of other races are basically guests… Read More »Humza Yousaf Racist Rant about white people in Scotland

Rumours of Nigel Farage rejoining the conservatives create frenzy of speculation

Rumours of Nigel Farage rejoining the conservatives create frenzy of speculation “Should Rishi Sunak Beg Nigel Farage to Join the Tories? Exploring the Possibilities” Introduction The Conservative party conference has left the Tory Right feeling somewhat disappointed. Despite the fervent desire for a more Brexit-focused agenda and a return to… Read More »Rumours of Nigel Farage rejoining the conservatives create frenzy of speculation

The day that Ireland defied the EU on the Lisbon treaty

The day that Ireland defied the EU on the Lisbon treaty “Ireland’s ‘No’ to the EU: A Triumph of Democracy or Elitism?” Introduction In a world where democracy is cherished as the cornerstone of society, it’s disheartening to witness a scenario where the resounding voice of the people is met… Read More »The day that Ireland defied the EU on the Lisbon treaty

Positive Shift – Northampton Town Centre Witnesses Significant Reduction in Nighttime Crime

Positive Shift – Northampton Town Centre Witnesses Significant Reduction in Nighttime Crime

Positive Shift – Northampton Town Centre Witnesses Significant Reduction in Nighttime Crime Introduction In a remarkable turn of events, Northampton’s town centre has experienced a significant drop in violent incidents and criminal damage during the night, marking a triumph for community safety. The Northampton Business Improvement District (BID) recently revealed… Read More »Positive Shift – Northampton Town Centre Witnesses Significant Reduction in Nighttime Crime

Why every nation in Europe must be passionate about their own culture

Why every nation in Europe must be passionate about their own culture “Even though I focus mainly on the UK, I fervently believe that citizens throughout Europe should, with good reason, be passionate and proud about their own nations. Every country in Europe is beautiful in its own right, each… Read More »Why every nation in Europe must be passionate about their own culture