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Antony Antoniou Uncensored

Why every nation in Europe must be passionate about their own culture

Why every nation in Europe must be passionate about their own culture “Even though I focus mainly on the UK, I fervently believe that citizens throughout Europe should, with good reason, be passionate and proud about their own nations. Every country in Europe is beautiful in its own right, each… Read More »Why every nation in Europe must be passionate about their own culture

Understanding the 1951 Refugee Convention and 1967 Protocol

Understanding the 1951 Refugee Convention and 1967 Protocol The agreement that has tied Europe in knots over immigration The 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol are the key legal documents that form the basis of international refugee law. Drafted in the aftermath of World… Read More »Understanding the 1951 Refugee Convention and 1967 Protocol

Immigration threatens to tear the EU apart

Immigration threatens to tear the EU apart The Crisis, the Critics, and the Consequences **Introduction** In recent years, the European Union (EU) has been grappling with a critical and seemingly unavoidable threat – immigration. This divisive issue, which has raised concerns about sovereignty, cultural identity, and the strain on social… Read More »Immigration threatens to tear the EU apart

Management vs Leadership

Management vs Leadership Certainly! Here’s the formatted text:”What’s the difference between leadership and management? In my opinion, management is a more dictatorial, authoritarian role, and that’s not the role that I like to play in business. I prefer to take on the role of leadership, which is to inspire by… Read More »Management vs Leadership

The Paradox of Democracy and Individualism

The Paradox of Democracy and Individualism “What exactly is the paradox between democracy and individualism? When we are presented with anything to do with social structure or politics, it is always presented to us along linear lines: left-wing, right-wing, collectivism, individualism, socialism, capitalism, and so forth. However, in my opinion,… Read More »The Paradox of Democracy and Individualism

Almost 1m people across Europe are homeless

Almost 1m people across Europe are homeless The Ongoing Crisis of Homelessness in Europe Across Europe, homelessness remains a persistent and growing crisis. A new report from the Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless (Feantsa) reveals the scale of the problem, with nearly 1 million Europeans homeless each… Read More »Almost 1m people across Europe are homeless

We need to act on immigration

We need to act on immigration The UK’s Immigration Crisis: Saying “No More” is the Only Solution The United Kingdom is facing an unprecedented immigration crisis. Each week, thousands of migrants arrive illegally on British shores, overwhelming resources and infrastructure. Many have proposed solutions, from offshoring processing centers to deals… Read More »We need to act on immigration